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Download Tang Shan Jie Quan Dao

Tang, Hao and Gu Liuxin. 1963. Studies on Taiji Quan, Taiji quan yanjiu. Hong Kong: Bailing Chubenshe.Shaolin Temple. 1982. Song Shan Shao Lin Quan Fa. China.Wile, Douglas. 1996. Lost T'ai-chi Classics from the Late Ch'ing Dynasty. Albany: State University of New York.Chen, Mark. 2004. Old Frame Chen Family Taijiquan. Berkeley CA: North Atlantic Books.Li, Bin. 2005. "Taiji Quan, Taoist Transmission-A reflection on the Copy of Tang Village 'Li Family Genealogy, taiji quan daojiazhuang-tangcun 'lishijiapu' chaojian guanggan." http:/ /www.chenjiagou.netLi, Xiangyi. 2005. "Taiji quan-Searching the Secret in the Qianzhai Temple, taiji quan-qianzaisi tanmi." asp?ArticleID=2470Wang, Xingya and Li Libing. 2005. "A New Study on Li Yan's Birthplace and Origins, the discovery and its Value of the Kangxi Fifity-fifth Year Tang Village 'Li Family Genealogy' Liyanjiguan yuyuanliu xinshu kangxi wushiwunian tangcun 'lishi jiapu' defaxian jiqijiazhi." Zhongzhou Academic Journal 7:4, Zhongzhou xuekan. nsYuan, Ququan. 2005. "The Significant Discovery-A Study on Chen Wangting and Wang Zongyue from the Tang Village of Boai County, Zhongda faxian-boaixian tangcun kao Chen Wangting chuntaiji quan he Wang Zongyue ." annel/taiji.aspQu, Jian. 2006. "A Talk on the Factual Origins of Taiji, Zhenben qingyuan hua taiji." id=206**The above article is reprinted by permission by Sal Canzonieri

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