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well-versed in islamic law and ethics, the author of the theology of imamate, criteria of islamic law, and islamic civilization, jamal badawi is an authority on islamic law and ethics and the founder of israpundit. for more information on jamal badawi's books, please visit . jamal is available for speaking engagements in addition to workshops, conferences, and as guest lecturer at universities. he can be reached by email at .
as we ushered in the end of the last decade of the twentieth century, the mps wife and children were returning home from afghanistan after 20 years of exile. they suffered no physical wounds, but internal psychological wounds we would carry with us for the rest of our lives. we had no medicines, no food. we could not return to our homes or own places. we could not lead normal lives. we lived in crowded, cold quarters. after a few days, we could eat only bread without salt. the children cried and vomited. the men couldnt sleep and couldnt think. i lost 40 kilos in two days. i could not stand myself. my husband was a pillar of strength. i was often angry with him, but he was always loving. he kept telling me not to kill myself. i thought he was a fool. he was better than me. he had survived so much. he had made lots of money and a good life. he was a judge and expected to live well. the mp was the eldest of four children of a poor farmer in the desert. his father was named jamil at first and changed to mohammad when the family returned to afghanistan. jamil had to work 10 to 12 hours every day and barely had enough money to buy a loaf of bread, let alone feed his family. his father beat the children because they did not finish their chores. his uncle, mirza, was a christian. he, his wife, and children were the best family in the village, living in a comfortable house with a servant. he threw off his turban when the family went to afghanistan. his family belonged to the shiahs sect of islam, which was weaker than the sunni. when the mps father became muslim, he and his family were kicked out of their village. they lived on the streets of kabul. when the father was a judge, he was loyal to the king and was the only afghan official who could speak turkish and arabic, which was an essential qualification for court work. so his family followed him to kabul. the mps mother cried when she saw her son being led away in chains in front of her eyes. many years later, she told her son of the incident, and her memories always stayed with him. his father was a very stern and harsh man. his mother was no less cruel. she would beat him many times for small infractions. he was banished from the house. he had to take care of his father in his old age. the mp found his wife when he was working as a translator in a refugee camp. she was a young doctor. she was kind to him, but she didnt understand his problems. sometimes her father had to help him by saying he w